Worthy May 8 commemoration in Lyngdal for memory and for peace

The 8th May commemoration organized by us at s2pU was both worthy and professionally good in Lyngdal.

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Facts about the war of russia

peaceSome facts about the terror war from Ukraine's neighbors:

  • Russia and President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine with large forces on February 24, 2022. More info 
  • Russian forces and traitors from Ukraine previously controlled the Crimean peninsula and parts of the Ukrainian counties of Donetsk and Luhansk.
  • Since the total invasion, Russian forces have taken control of even more areas in eastern and southern Ukraine. The Russian-occupied areas now make up around 18 percent of the country.
  • The fronts in the war have largely been deadlocked since autumn 2022.
  • Ukraine's and President Volodymyr Zelenskyi's stated goal is to recapture all Russian-occupied territories, including the Crimean peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.
  • Western countries support Ukraine with large amounts of weapons and military equipment.
  • Russia do not state how many soldiers they lose on the battlefield. It is estimated that up to 350,000 soldiers have been killed and wounded in the war.
  • The UN has registered over 10,000 civilians killed in Ukraine, but the real figure is probably much higher.
  • 6.5 million Ukrainians have fled the country since the invasion, and another 3.7 million are internally displaced.

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(Sources: UN, The New York Times, NTB)

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Minnedag for freden 8.mai 1945 og for fred og frihet i Ukraina

 8 mai 2024

8.mai markerer vi dagen for minne og forsoning og seier over nazismen i andre verdenskrig, midt i en terrorkrig fra Russland. Verden håpet – «Aldri mer», men tragediene gjentas. Håpet og troen på seier, frihet og fred for Ukraina, vil også stå i fokus.

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Memorial day for the peace of 8 May 1945 and for peace and freedom in Ukraine

8 mai 2024On 8 May we mark the day of remembrance and reconciliation and victory over Nazism in the Second World War, amid a terrorist war from Russia. The world hoped - "Never again", but the tragedies are repeated. The hope and belief in victory, freedom, and peace for Ukraine will also be in focus.

17.00 -Flowers and speech at the Ukrainian memorial  by Knut Straume, UN Association (photo)

Lyngdal Municipal Council Hall

18.00 - Opening song by Celine Larsen and speech by Knut Straume, United Nations Association of Norway
18.15 - When peace came to Norway in 1945 - Magne Haugland, historian and author
18.25 - Journalists are important in the fight for freedom for Ukraine - Volodymyr Buha, Ukrainian Union of Journalists. Buha tells and shows a video about the journalists' union's role in the war in Ukraine, when the war broke out Ukrainian journalists had to adjust to everyday life as war reporters.
18.45 - Ukraine in a peaceful and democratic Europe - Maryna Rabinovych, postdoctoral fellow, Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder
19.15 - "Children from Ukraine" for 30 years - Dagfinn Kroslid
19.30 - From the Youth in Kryvyi Rih and Ukraine - Aurika Shvets
19.40 - Support to Kryvyi Rih, which has a Solidarity and Partnership Agreement with Lyngdal municipality - Per-Kaare Holdal, Support to the people of Ukraine
19.50 - Break  
20.15 - Dialogue and questions to the speakers

              - Introduction by business manager culture Jan Seland, Lyngdal municipality
21.00 - End

Opportunity to help contribute with money for truck shipping of aid to Ukraine.

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Ukraine for freedom and democracy



The Congress in the United States is approaching a decision on Ukraine After several months of delays, the House of Representatives has decided on a package of billions of dollars in US military aid to Ukraine. 61 billion Dollars go to Ukraine in support.

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