🕊💙💛 La denne fredagen bli en fredsdag 🕊💙💛

💙💛 Vi ønker velkommen til en markering mot den brutale krigen og for fred og frihet for Ukraina

Vi ønsker vise støtte og solidaritet til det Ukrainske folk.

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Austrian Parliament on Holodomor: "terrible crime"

The National Council of Austria adopted a resolution calling the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine a "terrible crime" of the Stalinist regime.
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2022 struck our hearts

president zelensky

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Dear Ukrainians!

This year began on February 24. Without prefaces and preludes. Sharply. Early. At 4 o'clock.

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Germany's parliament recognises Ukraine's 1930s famine as 'genocide'

Only days after the 90th anniversary of Ukraine's 1930s "Holodomor", Germany's parliament approved in december 2022 a resolution recognizing the famine as "genocide". Read more 

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Слава України!

In all states, cities and communities. All those who value freedom, democracy and justice. Who cherish it as strongly, as we, Ukrainians, in all our cities

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