We demand Russia be recognized as a terrorist state

We came together a group of Norwegians and Ukrainians to bring attention to Russia’s brutal invasion and crimes against humanity.

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Never to forget how many people make efforts to protect Ukraine

It's important never to forget how many people make efforts to protect our country and Ukrainians – address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

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Invitasjon til s2pU Kommunekonferansen 2023 - dag 1

29.8.: “Norske kommuner hjelper ukrainske kommuner”  


s2pU Kommunekonferansen arrangeres i Oslo 29.- 30. august.  Målgruppe er kommuner, fylker og næringsliv som ønsker solidaritets- og partnerskapssamarbeid med Ukraina.

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Adressed by President Volodymyr Zelensky

Presiden Zelensky Photo: https://www.president.gov.ua/
“Strategic relations between Ukraine and Romania are a new force for the entire Black Sea region,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
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Solidarity and partnership with Ukrainian cities and municipalities

Mayors in Norway are mobilizing to help Ukrainian municipalities that are bombed to pieces by their Russian neighbors.

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