Support event in Lyngdal, Norway to Ukraine
On Saturday 5 March, a support ceremony was arranged for Ukraine in Lyngdal. When we in s2pu took the initiative, it was again not difficult to get the mayor of Lyngdal involved and everyone was equally positive about the measure.
Mayor Jan Kristensen estimates that between 400 and 500 people joined the support event outside the city hall park. Lyngdal is one of the municipalities in the country that has the most Ukrainian inhabitants today in percentage.
The program opened with Kaldo Kiis playing the Ukrainian national anthem. Then Per-Kaare Holdal from the organization "Support to the People of Ukraine", mayor Jan Kristensen, Dagfinn Kroslid, leader of the organization children from Ukraine and Hans Fredrik Grøvan held appeals.
Ukrainians who live in Lyngdal taught us to honor Ukraine by saying " Слава Україні - Slava ukraini - Honor to Ukraine" and it was answered "Gerojam slava! - Героям слава! - Honor to the heroes!".