Christmas message from Ukraine



I read this year's Christmas message in a book by President Zelensky “Voice from Ukraine”.

President Zelensky gave this speech on September 1, 2021:

At least six million Jews were victims of Nazism in Europe. One and a half million - one in four - were from Ukraine. And among them was a family that I would like to talk about.

It is a story about 4 brothers. Three of them were shot by the Germans who attacked and invaded Ukraine, along with their parents, wives, children, and other relatives. The fourth brother survived. When they were murdered, he had left to fight at the front. He fought until the end of World War II and contributed to the victory over Nazism.

He returned home four years later. Two years later he had a son. 31 years later his grandson was born. And then, 40 years later, his grandson became the president of Ukraine. He stands here before you.

A strong leader, is one who creates a good life for everyone. Evil will always lose!

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