Ukraine for freedom and democracy



The Congress in the United States is approaching a decision on Ukraine After several months of delays, the House of Representatives has decided on a package of billions of dollars in US military aid to Ukraine. 61 billion Dollars go to Ukraine in support.

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Carpathian Sea Democracy Week

brand logo 02Carpathian Sea Democracy Week will take place in the Lviv region from April 22nd to April 26th, 2024. 

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Sandra Andersen Eira sier: hjelp oss i kampen for frihet

- Jeg har sett krigens elendighet, jeg har sett krigsforbrytelser mot kvinner og barn, jeg har sett ukrainere på flukt. 

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Terroren rammet igjen Ukraina

KryvyiRihEt russisk angrep mot Kryvyi Rih den 12. mars startet en brann i en boligbygning og fem personer ble drept, sa Oleksandr Vilkul, lederen av byens militæradministrasjon, og andre tjenestemenn til avisen Kyiv Independent.
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Minister Radosław Sikorski speech at the UN Security Council

Radosław SikorskiOn Friday, 23 February 2024, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Radosław Sikorski delivered a speech at the UN Security Council.

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