European Parliament adopts resolution recognizing Holodomor as 'genocide'

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The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Thursday recognizing the 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine, commonly known as the Holodomor, as a "genocide."

"MEPs strongly condemn these acts, which resulted in the deaths of millions of Ukrainians, and call on all countries and organisations that have not yet done so to follow suit and recognise it as genocide," said a press in December 2022 release by the assembly.

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The municipal council in Farsund recognize Holodomor as genocide

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The municipal council in Lyngdal recognize Holodomor as genocide

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The Lower House of Parliament thus adopted a resolution in memory of the 90th anniversary of "the Great Famine in Ukraine and the victims of the tragedy, the survivors and their families", as stated in the resolution, which was adopted by 442 deputies of all political factions with the exception of the pro-Russian deputy Grzegorz Braun.

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German lawmakers passed a motion recognizing the Holodomor

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